Monday, December 28, 2020

SCOTUS Must Order New Election to Protect the Constitution

SCOTUS justices must order a new presidential election or  admit  they  are not th guardians of  the  Constitution  they claim to be.

The U.S. Constitution states  "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government."

Providing this   guarantee
is one of   the Supreme Court' most important duties.   
Vote-flipping machines and allowing   the dead  to vote which  were reported  in some states are  not consistent with  "a Republican Form of Government, " 

Ordering a new presidential election is the only practical way to deal with an election that has wide spread irregularities.
The  United States  claims  to be nation in which government officials are supposed to obey the lawIf the justices allow Joe Biden to break the law  to become president  they will  be saying presidents   are above  the law.  

  Failure  to  order a new presidential election will  undermine public confidence in elections..   Why vote if crooked politicians can  rig  elections .  If  SCOTUS fails to  order a new presidential   election the next   questioned election will be followed by violent protests instead  of court  challenges.     The cost of an election  would be a small  price  to pay  to  avoid  these outcomes.          


Iggy said...

We HAD an election.

Your False God LOST.

I know you can't believe that he lost, because that would mean he isn't a god, but he DID.

And SCOTUS doesn't care about your stupid conspiracy theories. They require LEGAL EVIDENCE, and Trump's own lawyers did not PROVIDE ANY.

Now, stop trying to harm America, and stop trying to destroy the right of Americans to vote.

WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES have chosen Joe Biden as President.


Four years ago, when Trump lost the popular vote, we were told that the Electoral College was all that mattered.

Now, you're claiming that THEY don't matter either!

Trump is the ONLY President who has EVER behaved like this when losing an election.

Because he's a CHILD, and can't handle LOSING.

Well, we need a GROWN UP in the White House. Not a spoiled little brat.

Unknown said...

Wish they would but not sure what it would accomplish unless they also reinstitute VoterID and Paper Ballots. Short of that we'd just be recounting more fake ballots.

Neither of those will happen however. The Court sees the U.S. about to become a Socialist country and they know what happens to people who are perceived as Enemies in Socialist countries. They don't want to be on that list.