Friday, April 24, 2020

Democrats Are Regressive Ultraconservatives Not Progressive Liberals

Conservatives should stop helping ultraconservative  Democrats  lie by agreeing  with the Democrats' false claim  that  Democrats are liberals   instead of ultraconservatives.  Conservatives should also stop calling outdated Democratic ideas   "progressive". 

Conservatives, like many Americans, falsely believe there are only two political  "attitudes" in the United States.  One attitude is called "liberal".  The other is called "conservative".   There is a  third attitude called "ultraconservative" which  has at times adversely affected American society.

Real liberals are open-minded and sometimes overly optimistic about the positive  impact  of change.   Democrats are closed-minded True Believers who tend to believe they are Right about everything and anybody who disagrees is Wrong.   Democrats seem unable to comprehend the possibility of any other proposals than theirs.   A real liberal believes his  ideas will win over your  ideas in  a  fair debate.
A real liberal who believed the global warming / climate change myth might believe warming would  be desirable  because it would  create a longer growing season.  A real liberal might belittle claims of  climate disasters  by suggesting the disaster claims  represent ultraconservatives'   exaggerated  fears of  change.

In 1861 ultraconservative southern Democrats started the Civil War.   A century later ultraconservative southern Democrats were trying to block efforts by Republicans and liberal Democrats to end the south's rigid system of racial segregation.

Although liberal presidents such as Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy led the Democratic Party in the mid 20th Century, by the 21st Century ultraconservative  racists were back in control.   Pastor Clenard Childress, Jr. , Dr. Alveda King   and  Day Gardner   accuse Democratic Party supported Planned Parenthood of "Black Genocide."

Conservatives who believe "liberal" is a bad name don't understand that many others [including most political journalists] don't consider "liberal"  a bad name.  Many journalists seem to think that American politics involves a contest between good guys and bad guys like a 50's tv western.    Many also believe that "liberals" are the good guys and "conservatives" are the bad guys.

Most journalists have no idea what a "liberal" is but assume that the people  conservatives call "liberals" are the ones they should support.    Conservatives have no idea what a "liberal" is but falsely assume that the people who disagree with them must be "liberals".  Conservatives don't consider the possibility one or both of  them  might  have wrong information.  If  both had correct information they might agree.

The conversion of American liberals into ultraconservatives involves a process  Friedrich Nietzsche described. "Liberal institutions straightway cease from being liberal the moment they are soundly established:  once this is attained no more grievous and more thorough enemies of freedom exist than liberal institutions."

Once liberals create an institution they become protective toward their "baby".  Liberal created regulatory agencies may become  over zealous, Subsequent liberals may face opposition if they try to reform the institution.   

Often one generation's liberals become the next generation's conservatives.  Politicians who  support old programs are some type of   conservative:  Thus, politicians who want to expand Medicare are conservatives.

Conservative  Republicans need to recognize that they are in the middle between  liberals and ultraconservatives.   Or, conservative Republicans would be in the middle between  liberals and ultraconservatives if the United States had any real liberals.  Conservative  Republicans aren't on the "far right" as Democrats falsely claim: : Conservative  Republicans are actually in the American political main stream as were liberal Democrats such as Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy. 

Republicans will have  a better chance of  winning if they stop  helping  ultraconservative Democrats lie by agreeing  with the Democrats' false claim  that  Democrats are liberals   instead of ultraconservatives. 

Republicans  should  stop using the word "progressive" to describe Democrats or  their old 20th Century proposals.   Democrats use the  term "progressive" because "progressive" is the political equivalent of the consumer  product slogan "new and improved".    Unfortunately many naive voters, especially young voters,  don't understand that the  term "progressive" is meaningless.   Some politicians even call the archaic  concept of socialism "progressive".