Thursday, September 20, 2018

What Was Ford Doing at a Party with 4 Boys?

Has anyone asked  Christine Blasey Ford   why she attended a party with four boys -- if there was a party?  

Most of us would suspect that a girl  at a party with four boys  was the "entertainment".  Considering the way teenage peer pressure works, it is likely she would have been drinking along with the boys, if there was a party.  If  she had been drinking, then her memory of the event would be  unreliable.  She might not remember exactly what happened or even who was at the party. 

I say "if there was a party" because  of how she supposedly "remembered" the alleged attack in a therapy session.  "Remembering" alleged childhood sexual incidents in therapy sessions is a characteristic of "false memories".

 There is no good reason to delay the confirmation process for  Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh .   If Ford wanted her allegation investigated she should have come forward at the start of the process. 

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