Sunday, September 30, 2018

Millennials Should Break the Cycle of Alternating Political Parties

For the last century control of the United States has cycled between the 19th Century Democratic and Republican parties.  Voters choose between the old ideas of the Democratic Party and the old ideas of the Republican Party.    The two parties are mired in the same old partisan conflicts election after election. The Democrats in particular seem more interested in playing partisan political games than in dealing seriously with the nation's problems.  Republicans are increasingly following their example.

Millennials need to decide whether they want to continue the politics of their grandparents' generation or replace the 19th Century parties with 21st Century parties. 

President Donald Trump has compared Washington to a swamp.  One of the most unpleasant aspects of swamps is stagnant water due to a lack of fresh water flowing into the swamp to  push the stagnant water out.   Washington is a swamp because of a lack of new ideas.  New parties could bring new ideas to Washington and the rest of country like fresh water entering a swamp.

Replacing a political party can take a couple of elections.  Thus, Congressional candidates, as well as candidates for other offices, need to remind voters that even if the third party candidate doesn't win this year, voters will be telling the "outdated parties" that voters want new options.   A strong finish will make it easier for the candidate to run again or encourage a  replacement    In districts in which there  is no third party candidate, Millenials might get together and agree to support one of their number to run as a write in candidate.

At the national level the party out of power is easiest to replace because it has fewer entrenched incumbents.   Thus, third party candidates running for Congress should say they are THE alternative to the Republicans regardless of which party the incumbent in that district belongs to. 

Voters a century ago had negative attitudes toward the major parties.   Voters began voting for third party candidates.   The effort didn't replace either party, but the third parties did force changes in the actions of the parties.   Major changes included direct election of Senators and giving women the right to vote

Sunday, September 23, 2018

FBI Incapable of Investigating Christine Ford Allegation

It would be impossible for the FBI to determine what, if anything, happened at the time Christine Blasey Ford claimed to have been attacked.  

The FBI cannot examine the scene of the alleged attack for evidence because even if the building is still there it likely has been cleaned many times since that evening.  The building might even have been remodeled and the furniture replaced. 

Ford is the only apparent witness who remembers the incident and she had been drinking.  It wouldn't have taken very much alcohol to impair the perception of a 15 year old girl.  Her description could also fit a situation in which she briefly passed out and was placed on the bed by some boy other than Brett  Kavanaugh who fell on top of her because he was drunk.   She might just have guessed at who the boy was later when she tried to remember what happened.  She might been having a dream while she was passed out and remembered the dream as being part of what actually happened.   

Incidentally, it would have been unlikely for her to have told her parents  for fear of being punished for getting into such a situation.

There is no way for the FBI or anyone else to determine with any degree of certainty what actually happened that day.  The Senate has wasted too much time on a matter that cannot be resolved. 

Those who are attempting to make a major issue out of this are ignoring the fact that states today prohibit teenagers from drinking because teens have even more trouble than adults controlling their actions when they are drinking.  If Kavanaugh was there and did anything wrong it was because,  according to Ford,  he was drunk and thus not in control of his behavior.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

What Was Ford Doing at a Party with 4 Boys?

Has anyone asked  Christine Blasey Ford   why she attended a party with four boys -- if there was a party?  

Most of us would suspect that a girl  at a party with four boys  was the "entertainment".  Considering the way teenage peer pressure works, it is likely she would have been drinking along with the boys, if there was a party.  If  she had been drinking, then her memory of the event would be  unreliable.  She might not remember exactly what happened or even who was at the party. 

I say "if there was a party" because  of how she supposedly "remembered" the alleged attack in a therapy session.  "Remembering" alleged childhood sexual incidents in therapy sessions is a characteristic of "false memories".

 There is no good reason to delay the confirmation process for  Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh .   If Ford wanted her allegation investigated she should have come forward at the start of the process. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Did Barack Obama Help Donald Trump Defeat Hillary Clinton?

If  the Russian hacking operation helped Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, as many Democrats believe, then President Barack Obama obviously helped Trump defeat Clinton by allowing the Russians to hack the Democrats' emails.  Although I doubt that the Russian hacking had any impact on the election, I recognize  that if Obama believed the Russians would help Trump win he obviously wanted Trump to defeat Clinton. 

Why would Obama want fellow Democrat Clinton to lose to a Republican?  I don't have any inside information, but there is a persistent rumor that Obama has been plotting to return to the White House.   If Clinton had won he would not have been able to run again until 2024.  With Republican Trump in the White House, Obama can run again in 2020.   The media have blamed Trump for the hacking operation and ignored reports that Obama was aware of it and didn't stop it.  Obviously, if Obama had wanted Clinton to win he would have tried to stop any Russian effort that could have kept her from winning. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Is Robert Mueller Covering Up Major Russian Espionage?

Robert Mueller and his staff may be covering up the biggest act of espionage in the United States since the acquisition of atomic secrets by the Russians at the start of the Cold War.  Mueller is supposed to be investigating what the Russian hackers called "Fancy Bear" did during the 2016 election.  However, he continues to ignore an Associated Press expose indicating Fancy Bear focused on non-partisan email users including defense industry employees and those in the intelligence community.  According to the AP,   Department of Justice employees were aware of  what Fancy Bear was doing, but didn't warn those whose emails were being hacked.  .  Fancy Bear used access to the Democrats national committee emails as a cover story to hide what may have been the real reason for the operation from the meatheads at the Department of Justice (DOJ)..

The popular myth is that Fancy Bear was accessing the Democratic Party's emails to help Russia influence the 2016 presidential election.  Russia couldn't have used the Democratic national committee emails to influence the presidential election because the candidates' organizations run the presidential campaigns -- not the national party organizations.    It is unlikely Russia needed hackers to get the Democratic emails.   Russia almost certainly had an agent planted in the Democratic national organization who would have used a zip drive to copy emails along with general information  about party personnel and supporters. An agent in the organization can use conversations to obtain information that is never placed in the computer.  China and Israel also probably had agents in the Democrats organization.

It may come as a surprise to some politicians and journalists, but Americans and Russians and their allies have been spying on each other and attempting to influence political opinions in each other's countries for 70 years. 

It is time to recognize that Fancy Bear was conducting a major espionage operation rather than attempting to play politics.   I don't know if the Justice Department's Fancy Bear  collaborators  were just stupid or  the Russians paid them for their services.   Nor, do I know if Mueller and his staff are taking money from the Russians or they're just trying to protect "dirty" DOJ employees and possibly former President Barack Obama.     Obama's cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel has indicated Obama told DOJ employees not to stop the Russians. 

It's time for President Donald Trump to replace Mueller and his band of incompetents with investigators who  have never worked for the Department of Justice.   Their mission should be to identify and prosecute those who collaborated with the Russian hackers and to determine if the Russians were able to use the knowledge they obtained to access classified information or infiltrate corporate or government computers. 

Even if personal emails didn't contain classified information, they could have helped identify people who could be black mailed or be willing to accept bribes.   Emails could  have identified disgruntled employees who might welcome help to get even with an "unfair" employer.   A covert agent could get acquainted with the employee and then  tell the employee how he or someone he knew got even.