Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I Don't Care If Trump Paid Income Tax

I'm a retiree getting by on Social Security and a state pension, but I don't care if Donald Trump didn't send a payment when he filed his federal income tax.   I didn't send in a federal income tax payment either.  I didn't have enough potentially taxable income to owe an income tax, but that doesn't mean none of my income went to the Internal Revenue Service.   

Simple minded Hillary Clinton has the same problem understanding our tax system that Mitt Romney demonstrated four years ago.   They both ignore the indirect or hidden taxes we all pay regardless of income.  They don't understand what the late commentator Paul Harvey  would call the rest of the story.

The income tax isn't the only federal tax. The federal government also taxes services like land line telephones and products like gasoline. 

Trump may not have paid taxes on his personal income, but money he paid to his employees paid their income tax.    The people he purchased goods and services from paid income taxes.  It's more important for Trump to pass along his money to employees and various vendors so they can pay taxes then to pay income taxes himself.

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