Don't they know that Dr. Martin
Luther King’s niece, Dr. Alveda King, accuses Democratic
Party supported Planned Parenthood of what Rev.
Dr. Clenard H Childress Jr. calls
"Black Genocide"?
points out “The leading cause of death in the
African-American community is not gang-violence, gun
violence, heart attack, stroke, HIV, high blood pressure,
diabetes. People will name all these. No, it’s abortion. And
the reason we have come to that conclusion, statistically,
you’ve got 60 million plus abortions legal in America since
1973. About a third of those occur in the African-American
community. That means dead babies. And, with us being 13
percent or less of America’s population that means we are
having more abortions'."
King says the number of abortions don't mean that
African-Americans are more immoral or don’t care."
Instead she states: "We are just regular,
everyday people like everyone else. But Planned Parenthood
moved into our community with the abortion killing centers
and said, ‘We’re here to help you. Let’s kill your baby, so
you can have a better life.’ Well, killing our
babies doesn’t give us a better life. I have had
my own abortions in the 1970s. They were secret then, and
after I became born again in 1983 and became a pro-life
voice, I began to talk about how those abortions hurt me and
my family.”
The claim that racists have regained control of the
Democratic Party may come as a surprise to those who
don't know that the Democratic Party is the historic home of
racism. The Democratic Party is the party of
slavery, secession and segregation.
The people who complain about the monument to slave owner
Thomas Jefferson in Washington ignore the fact that he and
other slave owners established the Democratic Party.
People protest southern Civil War monuments and ignore the
fact the Democratic Party is itself a monument because
Confederate leaders were Democrats as were the
founders of the post war Ku Klux Klan [KKK]..
Late in the 19th Century the Democratic Party established
rigid "Jim Crow" racial segregation laws in southern
states. .
Gardner notes that during the 20's "the
KKK raged a lynching war on blacks in the south while
Margaret Sanger and friends devised an evil plan of their
own. Sanger was a staunch believer in eugenics, “race
hygiene.” Her book, The Pivot of Civilization, {1922}
contained her solution to the negro problem. She touted
sterilization of 'genetically inferior races' which she
called 'human weeds'.Since blacks were known to be blessed
with large families, Sanger’s plan had to include limiting
the growth of the black population by eliminating our
After World War II the Democratic Party split on the racial
issue. President Harry Truman integrated the armed
forces in spite of opposition from within the Democratic
Party. Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson
continued Truman's effort to end racial discrimination with
Johnson managing to get landmark civil rights
legislation through Congress. Southern
Democratic Party senators provided the primary opposition to
Johnson's legislation.
The battle for
civil rights legislation was between north
rather than
between Republicans
President Johnson used a bipartisan coalition of
to defeat southern opponents
in the Senate.
Prior to the passage of Johnson's legislation Democrat governors tried to block court ordered integration at Little Rock Ark. high school and the University of Alabama. President Dwight D. Eisenhower [a Republican] used Army troops to enforce federal court orders which integrated school at Little Rock Ark. Some local southern Democrats tried to suppress civil rights demonstrators.
After the sixties, racism in the Democratic Party seemed to be relatively benign. Democrats have continued to perpetuate the old southern myth that black Americans and white Americans belong to different races in spite of the fact that African, European, and North American DNA have been mixing together for 400 years.
At some point racist Democrats obviously decided to partner with the Planned Parenthood organization founded by racist Margaret Sanger to pursue what appears to be their "final solution" to the racial issue. They would try to discourage black women from having babies to keep the black population from growing.
Dr. King says, “Margaret Sanger, the founder of the Birth Control League [later, Planned Parenthood], said, that ‘colored people are like weeds,’ and they need to be eliminated. They need to be exterminated. We don’t want the word to get out, so let’s not package it that way. So that’s why they began to make a lot of propaganda and marketing materials, saying that abortion is a woman’s right. It will help her to finish college, get a job, do this or do that.”
Day Gardner notes, "in New York City, the abortion rate in the black community is at 60%, which means more black babies are aborted than are born.The KKK brutally killed about 3,500 black people since it began in 1865, Sanger’s Planned Parenthood is responsible for 19 million black deaths since 1973."
As part of the effort to maintain the appearance of racial conflict, Democrats encouraged blacks to fear white racism while trying to keep blacks from recognizing that the real threat was to their babies.
Southern blacks should stop wasting time with ghosts from the past associated with Civil War monuments. The real racist threat is the threat to beautiful black babies from the unholy alliance of racist Democrats and Planned Parenthood abortionists.
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