Saturday, January 5, 2019

Abortion Supporters Are on the Wrong Side of Alice's Looking Glass

Alice's looking glass had an odd  property.  It not only reversed the appearance of objects, it reversed logic..

When Alice entered the world behind the  mirror 'she discovered that if she tried to run she remained in place.   If she wanted to go toward something she had to try to move away from it.

The claim that abortion "empowers" women uses such reverse logic.  The most powerful action a woman can take is to make a new human being.   Abortion shuts down that powerful activity.

Making babies allows women to have a huge impact on the world. .   Two of the most important people of the last 70 years didn't hold high government office themselves. Rose Kennedy and Barbara Bush impacted the world by producing sons who held various high offices.

The Kennedy and Bush sons received a boost because the mothers were in politically prominent families.   However,  a woman can produce a powerful child without being part of  such  a family.

We would never have heard of Virginia  Clinton Kelley or Stanley Ann Dunham if they had not been powerful enough to produce sons Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who achieved the office of President of the United States.

Powerful women make babies.   Powerless  women get abortions.

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