Monday, May 28, 2018

The Ultimate John Kennedy Assassination Theory

For decades the debate over who killed President John F. Kennedy has involved one group who claims Lee Harvey Oswald did it and another blaming the CIA.  They continue to ignore the possibility both claims are correct.   The CIA is a spy organization.   Some of its agents masquerade as supporters of the enemy so they can get inside enemy organizations. 

could easily have been such a covert agent.    If so he would have been a logical choice to kill Kennedy.   The CIA might have hoped Oswald's apparent support for Cuban President Fidel Castro would cause public opinion to demand retaliation against Castro.   Oswald might have planned "to give into" expected intensive interrogation  and say the Cuban government had told him to shoot Kennedy.

I don't have any information that Oswald was or wasn't associated with the CIA.  Of course the CIA would never admit if he was with the CIA.   His previous flirtations with Russia and Cuba might have been efforts to gain information for the CIA.  The communists lack of interest in him could have indicated they were suspicious of his motives.

I have always been troubled by fact that someone with Oswald's background was allowed to be where he was on that fateful day.   The previous school year I had done a research paper on the Secret Service.  My research indicated that the Secret Service would normally have prevented someone like Oswald from being in a building along the motorcade route.

One fact that wasn't known to the public at the time was that one of the last actions taken by the CIA's predecessor, the OSS, was the killing of General George Patton.

I have no interest in pursuing this theory further  I'll leave that decision up to those who are more familiar with the incident than I am.

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