Sunday, April 17, 2016

Were Benghazi Deaths Result of Incompetence or Murder One?

After I published the previous post suggesting the Benghazi massacre demonstrated Hillary Clinton's incompetence I received an email asking about the possibility that Clinton or someone intended for Ambassador Chris Stevens or another American to be murdered.   I'm still inclined to believe the best explanation is incompetence, but I recognize the incident could have involved premeditated murder. 

The death resembles an ancient murder from Israeli history.  King David of Israel had gotten Bathsheba, the wife of one of his soldiers  named Uriah the Hittite, pregnant.   When an attempt to cover up the situation failed, David sent orders for Uriah to be placed in the hottest part of the battle and have the army pull back so he would be killed. David then married Bathsheba so that most people would think her baby was the result of the marriage.    Ambassador Stevens was also placed in a situation in which death was virtually certain.

A potential problem with this scenario is that Clinton had no apparent motive for killing Stevens.   However, President Barack Obama could have had a motive if claims about his and Stevens personal lives are accurate.  I'm not sure whether or not the claims are true, but believe that those who read this blog deserve the opportunity to make up their own minds.

There are claims that both Barack Obama and Chris Stevens.  The claim that Stevens was homosexual seems to be more accepted than claims that Obama is even though the claims that he is homosexual have been made by those who describe themselves homosexuals.  Larry Sinclair  wrote a tell all book claiming to have had an affair with Obama.   Homosexual blogger Kevin Dujan claims that Obama is  homosexual. 

The mother of  Trinity Church choir director Donald Young believes his murder was to protect Obama from Young claiming to have had a homosexual relationship with Obama.  There also has been a claim that Trinity Church had a program to help homosexual men avoid exposure.   The killing of accuser Larry Sinclair by a hit and run driver is a disturbing coincidence that could support a claim that Chris Stevens was sent to Benghazi to die.

I'm a commentator rather than an investigative reporter.   The death of Ambassador Chris Stevens certainly needs further investigation.  I still believe the Benghazi incident indicates Hillary Clinton is incompetent, possibly in  more ways than one.   A competent politician certainly wouldn't have gotten involved in a situation in which she could be accused of murder.  

Conservative organizations have been claiming that Obama is blocking an indictment of Clinton for her violation of security regulations by using a private email service.  Perhaps Obama is worried she might expose his involvement in the death of Stevens.

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